Jules Just Read... May 2016
So, I got through 11 books in May, which is the same as I managed in April. It was a bit naughty of me to acquire 17 new books in May though, as I'm meant to be trying to acquire less books than I read each month, otherwise I'll never get on top of my to be read pile.
My main achievement in May was finally reading some paperbacks. I've only read one other paperback this year (back in February), but managed to squeeze 3 paperbacks in over the last month. I've learnt how to turn physical pages and use a bookmark all over again, yay!
Those of you who follow my monthly updates regularly will know that I normally have a Book of the Month, but having read so many 5 star books this month, I have found it impossible to choose just one, as I loved all six of my 5 star rating books for different reasons.
5 Star Ratings
Dear Thing is a beautiful, emotional and intense read. At one point I couldn’t read the words through my own tears.
This book was almost impossible to put down. I was about half way through, when I decided to continue it first thing the following morning, with the intention of reading a few pages while I drunk my cup of tea in bed. My intended quick morning read, turned into me crawling out of bed two hours later, having finished the entire book.
After reading the first few words of this story, I knew I was going to love it.
“I was five when I discovered I could fly, sixteen when I killed a man. Both events were unsettling in their own way.”
Relatively Strange is a fascinating story about growing up when you’re somewhat different to most of those around you. Enriched with some wonderfully quirky characters, this story made me think of Mary Poppins as a child and The Worst Witch.
Although there is action and excitement in the story, for me personally I think the strength of this book is the focus on human nature. The differences between individuals. That it is okay to be different. The value of knowing the difference between right and wrong. Choosing to do good with the personal strengths we each have. I think every reader could benefit from being reminded of the power and influence we each hold as individuals, and the importance of making the right choices.
I highly recommend this to fans of both adult and young adult fiction, those who like their books to be a little unusual, and those who are driven by great characters.
This completely sucked me in from the very beginning, made me feel nostalgic about my own adolescence, messed around with my memories, distorting them, then spat me out the other end wondering which my real memories were, and which I’d just allowed to be shaped to fit along with the storyline.
If you’re like me, and grew up in the 1990s, loved rock music and lived in Doc Martens then this may be the story for you. I saved up for my first pair of Docs in 1991 when I was just 13 years old (my dad paid half) and I lived in that pair until I was 17, having to buy a new pair as I had worn the previous pair out.
Be warned, this is a dark, gritty and twisted story filled with all the complex challenges of being a teenager. If you’re willing to read about alcohol, drugs, sexual experimentation, bullying, insecurities, death, Satanism, and general pushing of boundaries, then I highly recommend this book.
I found this book really hard to put down, especially the second half, which I lived and breathed until the very last page. I’m sure this thriller made my heart stop beating, not once, but twice, having to briefly stop reading in order to catch my breath. I can feel my heart racing just thinking of a couple of specific moments within the book.
The short chapters written in italics throughout the story were rather creepy and gave me the heebie-jeebies.
It would be misleading of me to say this is in any way the same as a TV mini-series I absolutely loved back in the late 1990s called Killer Net, but a couple of things about it really reminded me of it, so made it all that more exciting for me. If you love the idea behind this book, you may wish to watch Killer Net, as I suspect you’ll enjoy it too.
Crikey, what an ending to a great thriller... and breathe!
This is a psychological crime thriller, and for someone like me, who loves psychological thrillers but isn’t a huge fan of crime and police procedural, I think this had the perfect balance.
Wow, this was a surprisingly emotional read which even brought tears to my eyes.
Another Love is about a woman and her relationship with alcohol. I went into this thinking I probably wouldn’t get very emotionally involved, but I could not have been more wrong.
Firstly, reading a character being described as a “bookish ginger-haired, spectacle-wearing girl” (I’m sure I know one of those) helped to get me onside.
With regards to the alcoholism, it was the gradual increase that helped me connect. In fact, I very much saw myself in Romilly, as I’m sure many others will.
I have felt frustrated by characters in books before, but it has been a while since I’ve been this frustrated. Romilly’s uncontrollable drinking and self-destructive side drove me crazy at times. I wanted to shake sense into her and throw away the bottle of booze she got her hands on. This book really did fill me with an overwhelming frustration, and I even had to rant about Romilly to my husband, as if she was a real person I was trying to help.
The Insignificance of You is a coming of age story filled with emotion and a lot of firsts. First loss, first kiss, first love…
I’m not a big reader of Young Adult fiction, but when I heard that Tammy Robinson had written a YA story, I just had to try it.
As always, this author has allowed me to get to know even more wonderful characters. I loved both of the main characters, Tai and Skye. I liked being able to read a YA book that wasn’t overly melodramatic. Although they are teenagers, they had a level of maturity and depth that I could relate to. I also liked Skye’s mum and grandma (she was called Bubbles. I want a grandma called Bubbles), and I enjoyed witnessing the relationship between the three generations of women, what life threw at each of them and how they each dealt with it.
I loved the lighthouse setting, and the description of the stars in the sky. When I moved to Cornwall a few years ago, I too was amazed by how incredibly beautiful a clear sky at night looks without lots of light pollution. I live in a little hamlet that doesn’t have street lamps, and I’ve been known the wrap up warm in winter and sit outside in the garden late at night looking at the stunning star filled sky until my neck hurts and my nose has gone numb. Truly magical.
4 Star Ratings
A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding
A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding is about the devastation of war and the impact it had on one particular family, after an atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
I loved the style this book was written in and the way the story gradually came together. In places this was rather an emotional read, but overall a compelling story that felt very real.
When She Was Bad is another great psychological thriller by Tammy Cohen.
This author is so good at creating well developed and believable characters. It’s probably the thing I love most about her books, and throughout this story, I struggled to know who to trust.
Initially I had mixed feelings about this thriller. I found the first half of the book to be a little slow. I didn’t warm to any of the characters, and found a couple of them infuriatingly annoying, and wanted to shake sense into them. The second half of the book was much faster paced and very hard to put down.
Moral of the story for me, is don’t marry someone after only three weeks of knowing them. If you’re living a boring, predictable life, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Careful what you wish for, as Mrs Petrozzi got a little more than she bargained for!
3 Star Ratings
Imagine having the opportunity to move into a little cabin on a remote tropical island with seabirds, turtles and hardly any other people. Well, that’s what happened to Anna Fergusson. This story was set in a great location with an interesting mix of characters.
Although I didn’t completely fall in love with the story, I did enjoy it, and found it to be an interesting and thought provoking read, covering the subjects of Huntington’s disease and the conservation of turtles, both of which are expanded upon in the facts section after the novel, which I thought was an interesting and important addition.
The Life and Death of Sophie Stark
This was an interesting read, but I didn’t fall in love with it.
I connected more with Allison than I did the main character, Sophie Stark, so although I was really getting into it at the beginning, my connection abruptly ended when the story shifted from Allison to a variety of other characters connected to Sophie. I did read it to the end, and also enjoyed the focus on Daniel, but never really got back into it the way I did at the very beginning, which is a shame.