Book Review - Hellborne (The ARC Chronicles #2)

Hellborne (The ARC Chronicles) (Volume 2) - Matthew W Harrill

Hellborne is the second book in the ARC Chronicles Trilogy, and continues on from where Hellbounce ended.

This is a supernatural action thriller, with a horror theme running through it. With it being about Hell and demons, I think it has a place within the horror genre. However, it is written in such a way that the reader almost forgets that demons don’t just roam our own world too, as their presence seems so normal and natural. In fact, this novel has made me question whether demons do roam our world. I shall be keeping a closer eye on people from now on, and check they’re not making a sneaky trip back to Hell through a portal.

Again this is a professionally finished book, which is well edited, a plot with great attention to detail, full of a variety of interesting characters, places and ancient artefacts, and has a great ending, that has left me dying to read the final book in this trilogy to find out what happens.

I recommend this to fans of horror, action thrillers, supernatural and fantasy.

I would like to thank the author for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, and wish him the best of luck with the imminent release of the final book in the ARC Chronicles Trilogy.